20170416 201821 original

Jeff Benefield

Pastor Jeff is a Hall County native with more than 20 years experience as a senior pastor. He loves his lord and savior Jesus, wife Tamara, daughter Alli & son-in-law Stephen, daughter Ansley, sons AJ & Adam, his parents, his friends, people close to and far from God. Jeff loves The Tribe, The Georgia Bulldogs, and much more.

Dislikes: Doing stuff because it's always been done.

Favorite Quote: Vision is a clear mental picture of how things could be fueled by the conviction of how things should be.

Favorite Drink: Sweet Tea

Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump

Favorite Book Besides The Bible: Into Thin Air

Hobbies: his family, sports, traveling, and a bunch of other things as time and budget allows.

Greatest Hope: To simply live a life that glorifies God and helps people.

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Pastor Jeff and his family